All and Everything
Known or unknown.
You are One with All
and Everything.
You are the Glory of God Creator
In All and Everything…
The flutter of butterfly wings
buzzing bees, flowers, crickets, and birds.
A child’s laughter, pure and innocent.
The child in your arms and the children of the world.
Your siblings as well as your brothers and sisters throughout the world.
You are One with soaring Eagles,
dolphins and all sea creatures.
The roaring Lion and all land creatures.
You are One with the Trees and every blade of grass.
You are One with every raindrop, lake, river,
and the mighty Ocean.
You are One with every star, planet and galaxy
in the Universe.
And yet, you are but a tiny grain of sand.
You have the Creative Power of
The entire Universe and this planet within you.
You have the Creative Power to Be all that You are here to Be…
Let us choose Love, Light and Peace.
copyright @kathleensmcphillips