Your Capacity to Love
The sun rise leaves streaks of pale pink and gray across the light blue sky. It’s cold but sunny, always a gift to have the sun shine upon us.
My heart has been full of gratitude, long time memories scroll through mind like a movie reel. Memories of people who touch my life, acts of kindness, generosity, laughter, thoughtfulness, tears, and good times.
The human heart and our ability to Love is a miracle, for there is no limit to how we love, how many we love, our capacity to love expands to the earth, the moon and stars, creatures, trees, mountains, deserts, flowers, oceans, lakes, streams, and adventures. Yes, this heart is truly extraordinary in infinite ways.
Love and connections can travel from lifetime to lifetime as I understand that perhaps our Infinite capacity to love is through the Soul or the Light Body that is, Itself, Infinite. The Soul and human heart merge in unexplainable, yet miraculous ways. As though our Soul purpose is to learn, live and Be the unconditional Love of the Divine Source of All and Everything.
We seek to define our purpose in life, our mission, our gifts, our reason for Being; and yet I Understand the simplicity of our purpose:
To Love, to be Loved and do everything with Love. This love is not so much a feeling as a state of Being…it is a choice, your choice.
Perhaps the purpose of Humanity is to learn this lesson, to fully experience pure Love. Through this we create Heaven here and now. What is Heaven but pure Love, Light and Peace.
May we all pause and allow that purpose room to breathe and be, to expand beyond the thinking mind to the Heart, the connection with your Divine Self… to Love.
When Humanity as a collective is in a state of Love, the earth will heal, there will be no lack, everyone will have what they need. You might say that’s impossible…but is it really?
This is for each of us as individuals to explore. This is not the time to look at others or to judge. Less focus on world events, more focus on yourself. This is THE time to look within yourself. When we heal ourselves, we change the world around us.
We are so deeply immersed in our humanity that we have forgotten our Divine Self. There is perfection within you, there is an infinite glorious something within you…
Your capacity to Love.
copyright @kathleensmcphillips