A Beautiful World

The world is softer, kinder, and more beautiful when the holidays are here, which is why I believe in the Christmas stories, the magic of Kris Kringle, the open hearts of mankind, the bright colors of Kwanzaa, Diwali’s festival of lights, Hanukah, and the solemnity of the Nativity.

 All these celebrations are centered around the same time to reveal the beauty of our differences, our cultures, our beliefs. As one of my wise teachers said, “the essentials of all religions are the same, the non-essentials are different.” We, as human beings, are the same. We laugh and cry, rise and fall, we are born into this body and die leaving the body. Most want the same things, a home, food on the table, clean water, a way to provide, our loved ones gathered around the table, family, friendships, to love and be loved, to forgive and to be forgiven.

This is being human. Our differences are non-essential. The Human essential is our Infinite Self, the Soul, that travels from lifetime to lifetime, learning, growing, evolving through the human experience here on the earth school.

How do we all awaken to Divine Essentials and Truth? Must we experience catastrophic events to awaken to what matters? Have we not learned that hate, division, and war destroy all we long for and long to be? Why must we learn our lessons the “hard” way when the reality of history is constantly repeating itself? Must we? Really? 

Ignore the propaganda, media in all forms and look within yourself and ask…is this really what I want? Am I contributing to the negativity? Is this what I want for my family and for future generations? A world divided, filled with dishonesty, deceit, fear, war, and hatred?

I challenge anyone to answer yes to that question. Only you have the power to change. When we make the effort and are more conscious of our thoughts, our words, and our actions, we feel empowered. Because you are powerful. When we change, the world around us changes. It's that simple. In a chaotic and complicated world, the return to simplicity can be challenging, but each of us has the power to do it. Every human being has that power. The choice is yours.

The holidays are here now. The world is softer, kinder, and more beautiful. Let’s strive to keep that spirit all day every day, making the conscious effort to bring the very best version of yourself to life.                                                  

Let’s change the world to one of love, light, and peace. 
Together as a collective we will create a beautiful world.

copyright @kathleensmcphillips

Carla Rozman

Carla Rozman is an Artist and Graphic Designer based in Kingston, NY in the Hudson Valley.


The Light of Being


Your Capacity to Love